I think that this could be one of those weeks I have two papers to work on, and three really big tests. I will be using all of the time that I am not in class studying fairly intently, and prepping and writing. I have a Geography test Wednesday, I think the Psych test will be on Friday, an Education paper due on the subject of vouchers, working on an English paper, attending a School Board forum, and School Board meeting, those last until 10pm. It will be interesting to be sure.
That being said, I'm pleased with at least some of the work I've done. I even scored 100% on a paper on Multicultural Education.
I'm starting to think more about my marketability as a teacher for exceptional learners while teaching High School students. It might be interesting to teach gifted learners or slow learners, and might teach me a thing or two about how that dynamic works. Still trying for dual certification in History and English, I want to make sure I'm teaching those subjects, and working toward teaching in a post-secondary environment. Hopefully a 4 year college. It's strange to think that the quality of a teacher is less influential than the networking you must do as a teacher to get to know the right people to get the job you want.
No matter what the case, it all works toward the passion I have to teach, and prevents me from working a high stress job that has a quota, and avoids working for companies that have questionable ethics and are concerned more about their bottom line than people. I've had more than enough of that to last a lifetime.
you got this brother, keep busy and nailing the things we talked about. You are rocking it!!!!