My first year of school was 7 years ago. This semester the classes were either harder, or I was better at being a student 7 years ago. I finished that year with a 3.74 GPA. This semester I'll likely end up with two C's, a B, and an A. Not stellar at all. I will have to do more this fall. Summer schedule isn't too bad, two classes to take this Summer. One is Technology in Teaching. I'm assuming since I'm somewhat familiar with Technology that it won't be too hard. The other is Intro to Philosophy, which should be fun. I'll be driving to Independence two evenings a week to take the Philosophy course.
What I learned this Semester:
I learned quite a bit in Psychology, and our teacher said, that with the notes we had we could easily diagnose someone, and since the class was all about change, I could advise someone on how to change and get out of a situation that is a problem. That being said, the important lesson is that even though we have the ability to change, few people do.
I learned more about the world in Geography. Since I do enjoy documentaries, it's good to be a little more familiar with the world so that I'll know more about the locations talked about. This class combined with my on-the-job education in travel, tours, and travel insurance could make me a halfway decent advisor on travel.
The teaching intro was very informative. I feel like I understand much more about my chosen career future. We covered everything from School finances, to Teacher Unions, to Exceptional learners, and transferring to a 4 year program to finish and get a bachelor's degree in teaching. The class solidified my committment, and helped me to understand that this is the correct path for me.
English was great. I feel with all of the writing I did, that it has honed my writing skills further. After taking that class I feel like I was out of practice. Writing is not even a tiny struggle anymore. I also was happy with the variety of subjects we wrote about, and have learned a few things about language and society.
June 6th the new semester begins. After figuring out my credits, I'll have 60 credit hours and qualify to substitute teach after the 2011-2012 school year. If I pass the CBASE test I could be teaching in Fall 2012. Very exciting.
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