Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So aside from being swamped and kinda behind on a couple of things in classes at the moment, I have decided that leisure (even sitting staring into space) time is now a thing of the past for at least the next two weeks.  I will not have all of the online Aleks portion of my Math course completed to 25% by tomorrow when it should be done.  This will be the first thing I have not completed on time, but I WILL get it done by the end of tomorrow.  Then the hard stuff hits me. 

On next week's agenda: I have a 5 page essay paper due in English which has one more workshop session tomorrow before I start work on it, Three tests, one in Psychology which will require careful book reading and going over about 50 pages of notes, the second in Geography; a 180 question test plus essay (3 hour test), over the World Map, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, and the British Isles.  The other test is for Education on Monday, and it will be over 3 chapters in our textbook, plus notes.  Knowledge of history in education and notable figures, educational philosophy and psychology, and Urban education.  In addition I will have a Math Quiz, and a Math paper due.

I'm feeling a little swamped in the school area.  Family members are hitting major bumps in the road at the same time, and I am powerless to help them. I have had a stress headache all week long.

You know what I say to all of this? ...... BRING IT!!

I set out to do all of this and do it well.  I know I can be the best teacher out there.  Changes in life are difficult, and I knew it would be a rough road.  I have never been more determined to change my life and make it something wonderful than I am at this moment. 

Want to kick me when I'm down Math problems?  You have come to the chap who'll oblige you in this fight.  You task me, you task me and I shall have you!  I'll chase you around the moons of Nibia, and around the Antares Malestrom and round Perdition's flames before I give up! And you're going down! 

I don't have to convince myself I can do this, because in my mind it has already been done.  I just need to go through the motions and do the excellent work I know I'm capable of.

Weebles Wobble, but they don't fall down.

1 comment:

  1. Thats the way to hit it brother! I love the passion and the fire you have for this! I will help you keep that fire lit. Feel free to email me any of your essay's I'd love to read them. I know you are going through a tough patch with time and family, but I've come to realize that we always have something going on with our families. We have to just take that as a part of daily operation and forge ahead. Like Conan working the wheel of pain... Keep your head down and slogging forward. And, occasionally when the guard isn't looking...
